Notary Public Definitions &
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: An acknowledgment is a notarial act in which a Notary
certifies that a signer, whose identity is personally known to the Notary or is proven by satisfactory
evidence, voluntarily signs a document for its stated purpose. The signer is not required to sign the
document in the notary’s presence for an acknowledgment; the signer may pre-sign the document or may choose
to sign it in your presence. Because you are attesting to the genuineness of the signature, you may not
perform an acknowledgment that will be signed at a later time. Even if a document has been pre-signed, the
document signer must be in the Notary’s presence at the time the Notary performs the notarization.
What Is An Acknowledgement Form?
The form most frequently completed by the notary
public is the certificate of acknowledgment. In the certificate of acknowledgment, the notary public
That the signer
appeared before the notary
public on the date indicated
in the county indicated.
To the identity of the
That the signer acknowledged
executing the
certificate of acknowledgment must be completely filled out at the time the notary public’s
signature and seal are affixed. Notary can, and should fill out the acknowledgement form, to make sure it is done
AFFIDAVIT: A voluntary declaration of facts,
written down and sworn to or affirmed by the declarant (“affiant”) before a Notary Public or other officer having
the authority to administer an oath.
AFFIRMATION: The act of affirming the truth of a document, not an oath. "I
solemnly affirm and declare the foregoing to be a true statement..." Note that an affidavit may appear
in two forms: a sworn affidavit with oath, or an affirmed affidavit with affirmation. Each has the same legal
APOSTILLE: What Is An Apostille? An Apostille is an authentication of public official signatures on
documents to be used outside the United States of America. Some countries only will recognize your Birth
Certificate or other type of official document if is authenticated by the Secretary of State which the
document was issued. This authentication can be an Apostille or a Certification. The country of
destination will determine whether they require an Apostille or
the certificate issued by the Secretary of State’s Office to a Notary. The commission certificate is an
individual’s proof that he or she has been commissioned as a Notary Public. (A.R.S. § 41-311(2)) The commission
certificate shows the Notary’s name as it appears on the application form, the notary’s commission number, the
issuance date, and the expiration date of the commission, as well as the Secretary of State’s name and
CERTIFICATION: Copy certification is a notarial act in which the Notary certifies that the Notary made a
photocopy of an original document that is neither a public record nor publicly
"Credible Identifying Witnesses?"
When a signer is unable to present proper identification, the signer may be
identified on the oath or affirmation of one or two credible identifying witnesses. If there is only one credible
identifying witness, he or she must be personally known by the Notary, otherwise two credible identifying witnesses
are required.
PERSON: A credible
person is a person who personally knows the signer and who either also personally knows the Notary or who presents
satisfactory evidence of identity to the Notary. A "credible person" is also known as a "credible
INTEREST IN THE TRANSACTION: You have financial interest in the transaction if you will gain (or lose) something of value in
the transaction. You have beneficial interest in the transaction if the document will benefit you in some way.
Family members are usually considered to have either a financial or beneficial interest in a transaction even if
they are not specifically named in the document.
impartial witness must have no conflict of interest. This means the Notary cannot be a "party to the
transaction" or a "party to the instrument" and cannot have any financial or beneficial interest in the
transaction, no matter how small.
INCOMPLETE DOCUMENT: An incomplete document is a document that has not been signed where a signature line is
provided or where other obvious blanks appear in the document, or that lacks a notarial
A certification added to an affidavit or document stating when, where and
before whom such affidavit was made. A jurat is a notarial act in which the Notary certifies that a signer,
whose identity is personally known or is proven by satisfactory evidence, has made in the Notary’s presence a
voluntary signature and has taken an oath or affirmation vouching for the truthfulness of the signed
document. Some states refer to this as an affidavit. Anytime the words "sworn to before me" "subscribed and
sworn to before be", or similar words appear in notarial language in the notarial certificate, you must
perform a jurat. Because a signer is swearing/affirming that the information is true, there can be no blank
spaces on a document.
NOTARIAL ACTS: There are four notarial acts that a notary can perform in
Copy Certifications
Oaths or Affirmations
notarial certificate is the part of, or attachment to, a notarized document for completion by the Notary that
bears the notary’s signature and seal, and states the facts that are attested to by the Notary in a
particular notarization. The state and county where the notarization takes place is known as the
“venue” and is also considered part of the notarial certificate.
Publico" The Same Thing As A United States Notary Public?
No. In Latin countries, the Notario Publico is a high-ranking official with
considerable legal skills and training. Unlike a U.S. Notary, the Notario Publico drafts documents, provides legal
advice, settles disputes and archives documents.
PUBLIC: What Is A Notary
Public? A Notary is
a sworn public servant who follows strict guidelines in
identifying a person. They serve as an impartial witness in
taking acknowledgements, administering
oaths, affirmations and
performing other acts authorized by California Law. Unless a Notary Public is a licensed attorney, they may
not give legal advice, draft legal documents nor accept fees for legal advice. A Notary may not even advise a
client what type of notarization a document requires. The notarial wording must be provided by the creator of
the document.(Business & Professions Code § 6125).
A solemn declaration, accompanied by a swearing to God or a revered person or
thing, that one’s statement is true or that one will be bound to a promise. The person making the oath
implicitly invites punishment if the statement is untrue or the promise is broken.
THE INSTRUMENT: An instrument is the document, a signature on
which you are notarizing. A party to the instrument is someone who is mentioned in the document either by name or
by job title or classification or who would have some kind of beneficial or financial interest in the document. If
you are a party to the instrument, then you have an interest in the transaction and are no longer an impartial
witness; therefore you could not notarize a signature.
THE TRANSACTION: "Party to the instrument" means the same as
"Party to the transaction."
PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE SIGNER BY THE NOTARY: Personal knowledge of the signer by the Notary means that the Notary has familiarity with an
individual resulting from interactions with that person over a sufficient time to eliminate reasonable doubt that
the individual has the identity claimed.
PROTEST: A Notary Public’s written statement
that, upon presentment for payment or acceptance, a negotiable instrument was neither paid nor accepted.
SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF IDENTITY: Satisfactory evidence of identity means:
At least one current form of identification issued by the United States
government, or a state, or tribal government
containing the following:
- The individual’s photograph
- The individual’s signature
- The individual’s written physical description that includes height, weight, color of hair, and color of
Personal knowledge of the signer by the notary;
The oath or affirmation of a credible person who is personally known to
the notary and who personally knows the signer; or
The oath or affirmation of a credible person who personally knows the
individual and who provides satisfactory evidence of identity.
VERIFICATION: A formal declaration by
which one swears to or affirms the truth of the statements in a document. Also, the statement of a Notary
Public that the person appearing before the notary has been properly identified as being the person purported
to be appearing.