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How Do I Set-Up My First Accounting System?
Accounting & Financial Management

We always recommend you speak to an accountant or bookkeeper, especially when initially setting up your accounting system. This way, they can help you setup your accounting system properly the first time so you don't make mistakes that will need to be corrected later in the year when filing taxes or other government forms.

Pick an Accounting Method
The first decision to be made is which type of accounting method to choose, there are 2 choices: 

The Cash Method (or Cash Basis) - this means that you count income when you actually receive it (either as cash, credit card charges or check) and your expenses are counted when you actually pay them. This is the most common method for small businesses, especially those that take immediate payment for a product or service (credit card, check, cash, etc.)

The Accrual Method (or Accrual Basis) - this means that you count income when a sale is made (regardless if you actually receive the money for it) and expenses are counted when you actually receive the good or service (instead of paying for it immediately). This method is common for larger businesses or small businesses that utilize "invoicing" and frequently deliver a product or service before being paid for it.

Choosing a Method
You are free to pick either method provided you have less than $5 million in annual sales OR you maintain inventory (in that case, then you must use the accrual method).

The accrual method is generally considered to give you a more accurate picture of your company's financial situation but requires you to take extra steps like maintaining accounts receivable and accounts payable records. The cash method is generally easier to maintain and is the preferred method for small businesses.

Choose a Method for Recording Transactions
After you've decided on an accounting method, the next step is to decide how you are going to record transactions. You have basically 2 choices:

Hand-Recording Transactions - you actually hand-write each transaction in a ledger.

Software - you enter transactions in a software program which then automates many routine tasks.

By far the most popular method is software. There are dozens of accounting software packages and most of them will help you maintain your books as well as automate things like payroll and reports.

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